Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Next Step Energy

I am saving money every month on my energy bill so can you. The next stride towards taking care of our environment is monitoring energy usage. Water conservation ties in with energy, as energy (charges on your sdge bill) is used to heat your water for the shower or washer. Everything we do for our planet is interconnected and we need to reduce, reuse, and recycle in many areas of our living.

To begin, I interrogated my local gas and electric company's website, San Diego Gas and Electric, sdge, and found out how I could reduce my energy usage/lower my bill. They have tons of rebates and other ways to get discounts on your bill. I ordered a free kit that we can install on our shower to reduce water usage. This is just a small fraction of the many kits or options you have when looking at your bill and conserving energy.

There is also many energy saving tips form the government. A few simple and easy changes I made were: made sure I didn't have any incandescent light bulbs. I found a couple and switched them out to CFLs. These energy efficient lightbulbs are better for the environment and last ten times longer! So why not switch? Next item on the list, I don't always shut down my computer at night so now I am more aware and I unplug other unused items. There are tons of ways to save energy and money. Just pick a few changes one or two at a time, and be conscious of your surroundings.


  1. You offer some good options for making our lives a little greener. These little things can make a big difference for the planet. No, one light bulb won't reverse global warming, but if everyone just started by replacing a couple light bulbs, it would begin to make a difference. And once people see how simple it is to make these changes, they will hopefully be able to make more eco-friendly decisions down the road.

  2. I love the initiative you take in your blog to make our environment cleaner and safer. Energy conservation is a topic that has reached center-stage in modern issues, but tends to be overlooked by the common people. That's why I love your approach in tying energy conservation to money saving. As a college student, saving money is one of the top priorities. For some, it is even more important than grades. Suggestions such as turning off one's computer after use really shows the simple things one can do to start saving. In order to save energy, I have been shutting off the water in between washing my hands and brushing my teeth. Imagine if everyone in the world shut down their water in between their bathroom times. It would really save a huge amount of water. Though these steps are easy to forget or not care about, it really is necessary for our future well-being to take these steps.

  3. A lot of great advice and tips in your blog postings (shower faucet, light bulbs, etc). Living in the United States we have the resources and unique opportunity to actually manage our pollution and energy consumption- where as in many countries in the world it's either hand to mouth without regard, or straight indifference. It is just a matter of inspiring awareness and follow-through. Your postings are real relevant- especially to San Diegan citizens. We do live in a dessert with limited resources. Fortunately, our climate and location also suits alternative energy methods well (costal wind farms, El Centro solar fields, etc). Best luck.
